Gus Dur bertemu Tuhan di surga, dan beliau ditanya oleh Tuhan, " Anakku, kau sudah bertemu denganKu. Aku akan
mengabulkan satu permintaanmu. Gus Dur menjawab, " Tuhan, terbitkanlah matahari dari Barat, tetapi jangan Kau ubah bangsa Indonesia dari PANCASILA, NKRI dan UUD 45. Buatlah sila ke-5 Pancasila itu terwujud Tuhanku." Lalu Tuhan menjawab "Selama manusia Indonesia masih mau rendah hati seperti syair lagu 'Sebuah Pengakuan' dari 'Al l'tiroof' bahwa dirinya tidak sombong, merasa tak pantas menjadi ahli waris surga, dan takut akan siksaan neraka, serta menyadari sisa hidupnya
menghilang hari demi hari, tetapi dosanya kian bertambah, itu semua akan terwujud anakKu."
Gus Dur met God in the heaven, and He asked "My son, now you are here, meet me. I will grant your request. Then Gus Dur answered "God, please rise the sun from the west, but please don't change Indonesia from Pancasila (the five basic principles of the Republic of Indonesia), NKRI (Unity of Republic Indonesia), and UUD 45 (the basic laws of Indonesia). Make the fifth principle (The Justice for all of Indonesian) happen, my God." Afterwards, God said "As long as Indonesian behave modesty like the lyrics of song 'Sebuah Pengakuan' (A Confession) from 'Al I'tiroof' that they are not arrogant, they are not proper to be
the inheritees of heaven and afraid of hell's troture, along with realize that their life would decreased day by day but their sins are increase more and more, your request will be happen, My son." (Lianto Tjahjoputro)
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Selasa, 21 Juni 2011
Al I'tiroof - Gus Dur (Sebuah pengakuan )
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